Bird helps clientsbring digital productsand servicesto market,build and scalebusinesses,make it happen. 

My close friends call me Bird.

I'm an award-winning creative director and designer living in New York Providence Washington, DC. I help growth start-ups, technology companies and enterprise teams to create digital products and services, addressing a wide range of design, technology and business problems. I also help strategy and development teams to measure, shape and execute marketing-led initiatives to position brands, create awareness and drive sales.

Currently, I'm the Creative Director at MojoTech, a product development consultancy that makes software for web, mobile, and network-connected platforms – like watches, readers and other cool hardware. My primary duties within the organization are to oversee its product design capability across its four offices and operate its office in Washington DC.

I created this website to tell my story and reach future client partners and collaborators. Do you have a challenging product or marketing project? You can hire me.


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Check it out here

I'm currentlyreading "On Leadership" by John Gardner

I'mLearning Options trading strategies

I'mreading "Lean Analytics" by Alistar Croll

I'mteaching myself how to write Behaviors in Cucumber.js

If you’re curious about me you can find me on a handful of networks. You can follow me on Twitter. I tend to tweet about design, technology, equity markets, advertising and esoteric web findings. LinkedIn is there if you have an idea or opportunity you’d like to discuss. Else, you may write me an email.

Let's chat.